Category Archives: Sports

Components Of A Good Running Technique

Running is a very popular and common form of exercise. Regular runners (who actually do it right) have improved flexibility, endurance, bett [...]

5 benefits of running for weight-loss

Running is a very popular form of exercising. It’s a great way to relieve stress, strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular fitness, burn [...]

8 Steps to Proper Stretching for Running

Stretching is an important component of exercise and should always be done with correct technique. The reason this is so is: muscles are a v [...]

7 Steps to Running Better

Running is one the most popular fitness activities for people trying to get fit all over the world. But a lot of people do not run efficient [...]

7 Simple Ways to Prevent Injuries From Running

The last thing anyone wants when they start running, is to pick up a minor or major injury that could keep them off the track for days, week [...]

8 Reasons Why Running is Worth the Miles

Running is a universal sport activity. I bet you see people running every day and I’m pretty sure most of them are not running from the co [...]

Health Benefits of Playing Tennis

A lot of people watch tennis on TV and do not realize that sprinting across the court, smashing the ball left and right takes enormous amoun [...]

5 Reasons to Take Boxing classes instead of learning on your own

Boxing can be an exciting sport and we’re pretty sure most people have fantasized, for a moment perhaps, of being the “undefeated heavyw [...]

6 Reasons Why Your Kid Should Take Boxing Classes

Boxing is a popular sport but not one that many parents would encourage their children to participate in, probably due to the perception tha [...]

The Three Basic Punches of Boxing for Beginners

First off, there are more than three punches in boxing but for beginners we don’t want you getting confused and messing around with all th [...]
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