Category Archives: personal trainer

Looking for a Personal Trainer? These are the Things You’ll Need to Watch Out For!

Looking for a Personal Trainer? These are the Things You’ll Need to Watch Out For! If you’re looking for a fail-safe route to getting in [...]

5 Things Your Personal Trainer Wouldn’t Tell You

It is not everything that your personal trainer is at liberty to say. Some feel that there are things that you ought to know and others just [...]

4 Importance of Having a Personal Trainer

Most at times, to build up our body structure, we need specific people that will give us the fervent desire to keep pushing through the toug [...]

6 Signs Of a Bad Trainer You Must Know

When it comes to dieting and weight loss, most people seek the help of professionals or trainers.  They motivate and train you towards your [...]

6 Ways To Choose A Personal Trainer

There is no doubt about the fact that exercising regularly with an expert who runs the show for you can be very beneficial. Working with som [...]

The 4 Most Efficient Exercises For Treating Obesity

Obesity is an illness that involves an accumulation of excess fat in the body. Obesity not only affects your health intensely but also poses [...]

How to do the Oblique Crunch

Obliques are the muscles which run along the side of the abdomen and play a major role in stabilizing the spine,  help you bend from the s [...]

Weight Machines vs Free Weights: Which should you use?

You might be wondering if there are any functional differences between free weights and weight machines, and a very basic answer to this is [...]

7 Things to Look for in a Fitness Trainer

Personal trainers’ are people you depend on to show you left from right when you’re trying to achieve your fitness goals. Their role can [...]

3 Calf Training Mistakes You Might be Making and how to Fix Them

Strong calves are an important component of a strong and healthy body because you need your calves to perform nearly every other fitness act [...]
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