Category Archives: Fitness plans Dubai

5 Reasons To Take Fitness Seriously

Fitness is not solely meant for certain stereotyped groups of people–by age or sex. General healthy habits are beneficial and advisabl [...]

Top 5 Foods That Naturally Enhance Athletic Performance

The energy we get from food helps our body immensely to reduce inflammation, fight diseases and sustain physical and mental development. The [...]

6 Personality Traits That Affect Your Fitness And Weight Loss

Are you currently struggling to lose weight and have no idea why it seems so difficult? There are a lot of factors that influence weight los [...]

For Athletes: 5 Ways To Keep Your Fitness Levels Up

For an athlete, you might start to feel panicky when you realize that you’re not fit enough for an upcoming event or when your fitness [...]

4 Reasons You Need A Personal Trainer If You’re Obese

The number one priority for every obese person is losing weight and if it’s not, it should be. Losing weight is not a simple task that you [...]

The Top 4 Most Common Fitness Myths

As a beginner, you’ve probably one way or the other gotten stuck reading and believing so much fiction about fitness and this might be [...]

Power Circuit Training for Women

Power circuit training is a higher, more challenging form of circuit training. Exercise selections and goals are totally different from that [...]

Post Workout Snacks to Help you Recover

After any intense workout, your body will need to replenish itself and not just any snack will cut it. A very healthy snack rich in both si [...]

How to Get the Perfect Posture in 6 Steps

Strengthen Back Muscles Your back is the single largest area of your body that is responsible for your posture. There are several important [...]

5 Ways Your Mental State Influences Your Fitness Training

You’ve probably heard a lot about how being happy affects your health and general success in life, but are you aware of the massive effect [...]
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