Monthly Archives: December 2016

5 ways to build your tush muscles.

If you feel like you need a makeover at your backside, you can make that happen but partly on your body type and genes. But almost everyone [...]

6 foods that help to reduce stress.

Choosing to turn to healthy foods when you are stressed, can have a positive impact on your mood, helping to relieve tension, stabilize bloo [...]

4 Things You Need To Discover Before Your Workout

Sometimes it’s not about how hard you’re working out, how smart you work out is actually more important with regards to fitness. So when [...]

6 foods that help you sleep well night.

Having to tussle on the bed all night long, without having a proper sleep will just leave you feeling really tired during the day and very w [...]

8 Healthy Snacks for Summer that Weighs under 100 Calories

For many people, snack is a no-go-area when they are into the fitness deal. It’s no longer news that snacks add to the number of calor [...]


Arm fat refers to the fat present in the arms of the human body or the bottom of the shoulder and below. Normally it is found within the obe [...]


Mango is a fleshy yellowish-red tropical fruit that is eaten ripe or used green for pickles or chutneys. It is also known as the evergreen I [...]

5 Tips on How to Improve your Yoga Skills

For some people, yoga is being able to bend so well, and they sometimes give up since they lack the ability to bend. Often times, we forget [...]

5 Simple Exercises to lose Belly Fats

Belly fats come with a lot of challenges; physical, emotional, and health-wise. You will hardly feel comfortable in your own skin, with this [...]

9 Benefits of Vitamin B12 for the Skin, Hair, and Nails

Vitamin B12, also known as Cobalamin, is an essential nutrient found in animal sources of food. The daily requirement for this nutrient diff [...]
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