
Ways to get yourself motivated in the morning

Waking yourself up in the morning can be very hard sometimes; every time as a matter of fact. It may sound very impossible for you to wake up and do some exercise, whether it is for early morning jogging, yoga, routine or strength training program. The obvious fact is that staying under the covers of your bed is way more enjoyable than involving yourself in a strenuous physical exercise. The key to motivating yourself to do some exercise in the morning is to focus on making physical activity more attractive.

These 5 steps will help you go a long way in getting motivated for early morning.
First talk to a family member or a friend about them becoming your exercise partner, someone who is cheerfully happy in the morning; not one that will drain the little energy you have left by complaining about waking up in the morning with the birds, or slow you down when he/she eventually wakes up. What you could do is schedule an early morning phone call in the morning between the two of you, talk till the time you both are ready to kick off exercise. By doing that you drive away that urge of going back to sleep.
Prepare your workout items the previous night before you go to bed, that way you tend to reduce the lazy urge that’ll want to stop you from working out. We both know waking up in the morning to put one or two things together is the number one killer of liveliness. Put everything you need for your morning workout the night before, that way you dress quickly and easily when you wake up.
Program your alarm clock so you wake up with an inspirational message that’ll help you focus on your goal. If your alarm clock doesn’t have those options, then use your cell phone. Highlight a weight loss or fitness goal in your alarm message or just include an inspirational quote from your favourite workout video or book.
Find an object or clothing that fits you such as swimsuits or skinny jeans, that represents your fitness and weight loss goal. These will make you even happier, wearing your dream swimsuits or the swimsuit you saw your favourite fitness star wearing, it will motivate you more to be just like them.
Go to bed early the night before your morning workout; make sure you have at least 7-8 hours of sleep. Getting a lot of sleep does not only increase your chance of waking up chirpy and cheerful for your morning workouts, but it also keeps your body from producing excessive amounts of diet-busting ghrelin, an appetite-boosting hormone fuelled by lack of sleep
Finally self-motivation is an ongoing exercise, its not good to get distracted by a grumpy mood in the morning, it side-tracks you from your goal so try to remind yourself how good you will feel after exercising and how free you’ll be to tackle or enjoy the rest of your day.

Try and stay motivated.

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