Tag Archives: weight loss

Is It True Infrared Saunas Work to Lose Weight?

Yes, it’s true infrared saunas may result in you losing weight for a short period of time. However, this weight loss doesn’t aff [...]

Indoor And Outdoor Exercise Guide To Rowing

Whether you want to hit the open water or prefer the comfort of a gym, it’s easy to build rowing into your fitness routine.   Health [...]

Could Kickboxing Help Me Lose Weight?

Exercise, especially intense cardiovascular types that utilize the major muscle groups, burns a lot of calories. Kickboxing qualifies as a m [...]

Signs It’s Time to Get Serious about Weight Loss

Signs it’s time to CHANGE! It’s easy to say that you want to lose weight. It’s also easy to find the motivation to hit the [...]

Unhealthy and Dangerous Weight Loss Diets You Shouldn’t Follow!

We’re all guilty for forever being in search of a quick and easy way to lose weight. Fad diets seduce us with their promised “drasti [...]

Ways to Lose Weight When You Have Busy Schedule

Managing Your Time For People Constantly On The Go. No one really lied when they said healthy weight loss can be a time commitment, especial [...]

Tips for Tightening Loose Skin After Pregnancy

The Dreaded After Birth Belly So you thought your tummy would be back to normal by your 6-week postpartum check-up, but instead you have unw [...]

Why Detox? Top 10 Reason When You Do It RIGHT

Detox Evidently we all know the body does indeed clean itself naturally, however, it can only do this when given the chance to do so. Yes ma [...]

Top 5 Gyms of Dubai

Wake up with determination, go to sleep with satisfaction. With Dubai’s chaotic and high stress work life, 24 hours 7 days a week long [...]

Majestic Aerial Fabric Workout Classes Dubai

Aerial Silks With the support of a soft suspended fabric rigged from the ceiling, Aerial Yoga explores what happens when you combine classic [...]
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