Tag Archives: weight loss

5 benefits of running for weight-loss

Running is a very popular form of exercising. It’s a great way to relieve stress, strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular fitness, burn [...]

4 Components of a Balanced Diet for Weight Loss

Carbohydrates Naturally people tend to eat more carbohydrates than any other food; this is because carbohydrates are very high in calories ( [...]

8 Things women can do to lose weight.

Losing weight is something that requires a lot of time and dedication and in some cases, a lot of money. There are some easy [...]

7 Simple Ways to Prevent Injuries From Running

The last thing anyone wants when they start running, is to pick up a minor or major injury that could keep them off the track for days, week [...]

Most Common Weightloss Mistakes You Should Avoid

When starting a weight-loss program, it’s the norm to get bombarded by all these myths and misconceptions and get misguided by all these â [...]

7 Ways To Prevent Your Child From Becoming Obese in Dubai

There is the ever present hankering of kids to eat junk food, and yes, it is understandable because of their age. However, there is also an [...]

4 Reasons Why Sleep Is Essential For Weight Loss

The traditional wisdom is that too much sleep is bad for health and particularly so for weight loss. This idea is not entirely baseless, as [...]

Can Eating Grapefruit Help You Lose Weight?

It is statistically proven that eaten a whole juicy grapefruit or any fruit for that matter before a meal can benefit you on lower blood sug [...]

Health & Fitness : Exercise Your Heart

We hear it often, that the benefits of exercise help your health. What’s even more great is that you don’t need to kill yourself [...]

How to Lose Weight in One Month

Resist the urge to fall for one of those quick weight-loss schemes that promise miraculous results in just one month. You don’t want y [...]
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