
5 Yoga Breathing Exercises For Asthmatic Patients

Asthma is an allergic condition in which the airways/ bronchial tract go into spasm, obstructing the passage of air and causing shortness of breath and wheezing. During an asthmatic attack, the muscles in the airways contract, narrowing the passage through which air can travel. These breathing techniques are essential for both the prevention and control of attacks. They help patients develop more consistent and rhythmic breathing patterns without putting any strain on the upper part of your chest. Read and follow these instructions carefully to reap the optimum benefits of these exercises.


1.Abdominal Breathing

This is the best breathing exercise to start with if you experience tightness in your chest or hyperventilating when you inhale deeply. Start by lying straight on your back and inhaling from your stomach for at-least 10 minutes. Your stomach should be rising and falling in rhythm with the breathing.

2.Complete Breath

Start by exhaling completely then filling your lungs slowly by expanding your chest and relaxing your upper abdomen area. As you breathe in and out, press your glotis against the top of your throat so as to make a hissing sound. Ensure that your exhale is slower than the inhale and do not pull in your abdomen. Try this for at least five minutes and as you proceed gradually, try holding your breath in between inhalation and exhalation.

3.Cleansing Breath

Experts recommend you master the first two breathing methods before proceeding to this one. And it is most effective if done on an empty stomach in the morning. Start by sitting or standing comfortably and straightening your upper back. Relax your shoulders back and look straight ahead, aligning your neck as well. Now inhale deeply through your nose and exhale quickly, engaging your abdomen. Pause in between breaths for a second or so then inhale again. Try to contract your abdominal muscles to force out the air sharply. Repeat at 25 times daily.

4.Bellows Breath

The breaths in this technique are quick and forceful. The navel should be relaxed during inhalation and pull in sharply during exhalation. Make sure to not use your chest or relaxing and pulling the navel the wrong way because that could lead to tightening in the chest or breathlessness. Start by standing or sitting comfortably with your spine straight and shoulders set back. Inhale deeply through your nose and relax your midsection. Now exhale forcefully and pull in your upper abdomen. Keep repeating in a continuous series of 25 quick, forceful pumpings.

5.Chest Strengthener

This exercise increases the mobility of the ribs, making breathing less laborious and also supply more oxygen to the tissues. Start by standing with your feet hip-distance apart and your arms by your sides with your palms facing back. Keep your stretched down to your fingertips and inhaling deeply bend back. Make sure to not let your neck hang loose. Look up so as to stretch the front of the neck and chest. Hold this position for about 5 minutes.

Of course regular massage of particularly the throat area as well as dietary and lifestyle changes can also go a long way in controlling the condition.

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