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5 Benefits of Doing Sit ups

Sit ups are a universal exercise that have still retained their popularity. Rest assured that this is so for more than just one reason.

Sit up

Sit ups primarily focus on burning belly fat and building abdominal muscles and this article shows you five benefits of doing sit ups.

  1. It’s Simple: Sit ups don’t require any special equipment. They can be done with as little as a mat on the floor. This shouldn’t get you discouraged about doing them just because you have the pre disposition you can only get fit in the gym.

In fact, one research showed that when done efficiently, sit ups are a better agenda than using some equipment in the gym.

  1. Promotes overall torso health: The torso is commonly referred to as the trunk of the human body. It includes basically every part of the body except the head, neck, and limbs. So while your primary or single focus may be to develop strong abs, you’re also developing a strong torso.

Sit ups also improve flexibility, and range of motion of your core. This offers health benefits such as improved posture, reduced risk of back injury, and generally better balance and strength.

  1. Helps burn more calories: Sit ups is an exercise that works the entire body. This gives it an edge over an exercise like crunches that doesn’t involve as much motion. So in working the body, your burn more calories.
  1. You work more muscles: Due to the increased range of motion involved when doing sit ups, you are forced to go beyond just the abdominal muscles but into other areas such as the connecting stabilizer muscles, leg muscles, and chest muscles.
  1. It’s modifiable: Like anything you do for an increased length of time, you don’t only get better at it, but you learn variations and tricks to it. With this modification, you can even increase the intensity of the workout and pace yourself out better.

Sit ups are an amazing exercise. They leave you feeling pushed to your abdominal limit when you do them right and a great benefit to it is that it’s natural!

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