Health Yoga

Yoga Exercises For Diabetic Patients

Diabetes is a common chronic condition in which the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood is too high either because the body is unable to convert it to energy or to store it. Glucose is burned by the body’s cells to make energy. Normally, a hormone called insulin, secreted by the pancreas regulates the amount of glucose in the blood, but in people with diabetes either the body doesn’t produce enough insulin (type 1), or it is unable to store and use it properly (type 2). Excess glucose builds up in the blood and glucose molecules stick to the walls of the smaller blood vessels and clog them up. This can damage some of your organs, including the retina in your eyes, your heart muscles, nerves and kidneys.

Diabetes can sometimes be managed with just dietary and lifestyle changes. And people with the more severe illness (type 2) have to take tablets or give themselves insulin injections. Yoga helps diabetic patients by controlling the diet, increasing immunity, digestion and circulation. increasing the body’s metabolism through fairly strenuous yoga exercises and increasing blood flow to the pancreas with poses specifically designed for diabetic patients. Here are five exercises you could practice regularly to control your diabetes.

1.Abdominal Pump


This physically massages the pancreas and helps to improve circulation in the veins thereby promoting the expelling the toxins or harmful substances from the blood. Start by standing with your feet a few inches apart. Then bend forward and put your hands on your knees. Inhale deeply and exhale through your mouth. Now without inhaling again, pull in your stomach towards your rib-cage and hold it in for a count of five. Let go slowly and breathe normally. Repeat at least five times daily.

2.Full spinal twist


This de-congests the pancreas, liver and upper digestive tract by twisting the upper spine. It promotes better digestion and stimulates the pancreas to produce more insulin. Start by sitting with your left heel under your right buttock and place your right foot on the floor on the outside of your left knee. Experts recommend that you practice this sitting position for a few weeks before proceeding with this pose. Then you bring your left arm over your right knee and clasp your right ankle before placing your right hand on the floor behind you. Ensure that your upper beck is straight so you could open up your chest and turn your neck to look over your right shoulder. Repeat at-least 5 times daily.

3.Forward Stretch


This exercise stretches the muscles of the back of the thighs causing the abdominal walls to retract and compresses the abdominal viscera which increases blood flow to the organs and promotes the secretion of digestive juices and aids peristalsis.
Start by sitting up straight on the floor with both legs stretched out in-front of you and inhale deeply. Bend from your hips and reach from your ankles. Exhaling slowly, straighten your spine while sitting up. Breathe normally and relax your muscles. Repeat at-least five times daily

4.The bow


This pose also releases congestion in the lower abdomen by stretch out the thigh muscles. Start by lying on your stomach with your forehead. Bend your knees and hold your ankles behind you. Ensure that your shoulders are relaxed back and your elbows bent to stretch your heels down behind your back. Hold the position for as long as you comfortably can. Repeat 5 times daily.

These postures, if done correctly, are invaluable as they improve blood flow to the pancreas, eyes, feet and overall body. These help in minimizing the risk of complications associated with diabetes like poor eyesight, gangrene in the toes etc.

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