Health Women Health

‘Are You Beach Ready’ – Is The Media Inspirational or Dangerous?

In a day and age where media is a major part of our life, we can’t help but Google everything we need more information about, even if that is the ‘ideal’ body. More often than not what we find isn’t necessarily a healthy inspiration.

It’s all too easy to ‘#hashtag’ a craze of ‘body goals’, you’ll find images of women with skinny waists, thick thighs, big breasts and long legs. If this isn’t the look for you, then the other option is extremely skinny, thigh gaps and muscular toned abs.

Ladies there is nothing wrong wanting the ideal body, after all it’s your body but each of us should consider to stay as healthy as possible along the way. There are excellent images swarming the net of powerful women who have exercised the right way and have great bodies, their purpose on the net is to inspire all women, especially young ones that think being extremely thin is healthy, they are present to support women with all eating disorder problems.

IMPORTANT : Young girls get mislead easily into a world of unhealthy body goals. What they forget is that being thin means losing muscle mass along with bone mass. Once this occurs the body puts itself into survival mode, shutting down what it believes as less important body functions such as reproduction and digestion.


Another thing to remember is that many of these images have been retouched.

‘It’s not always as it seems’. Although many fitness obsessed individuals have extremely fit bodies, they still might not be deemed internet worthy. They will be airbrushed and edited in such a way that is ‘acceptable’. Keep in mind that not all of us are created to be stick thin or have veins bulging out with a statement that says Hey everyone! I am gym obsessed.

Love yourself.

It shouldn’t matter what you look like, your size or skin colour, big boobs or no boobs, who cares? Unless you feel unhappy then make a change to a healthier lifestyle but don’t seek to look like anyone else but yourself. You don’t need a six pack, you just need to help reduce the fat you’ve longed to get rid of. If it’s trouble with cellulite or extra skin after child birth, make sure you target these areas and not just put on a waist trainer because everyone else is doing it too.

So ask yourself what you’re unhappy about, write it down if you must and beside it a strategy of how you will achieve this.

  • You must exercise!

Many women who are fascinated by these body goal images are often women who already feel very insecure in their own skin, their intimidated and powerless, or so they believe. But the key is to stop feeling sorry for yourself, to stop admiring someone else in their body and start loving your own. The only way to do so is by simply exercising and eating healthier. Join a gym, start a exercise class and most importantly, throw away all your kitchen temptations.

Who comes up with these?

‘Couples who train together, stay together’ , ‘ Real women have muscles’ , ‘Thigh gap goals’ ???

The only thing that is being said here is women should be skinny, they can’t possibly make a relationship work if they can’t fit into size 0 jeans. I can only say this is all complete garbage, a horrible and nasty way to lure in young girls and women into an industry filled with pills and potions. The only one benefiting is the slimming companies that girls will throw money at to be the perfect girl with the perfect body.

Voluptuous Goals

I don’t know about you, but as a young woman it frightens me. Young girls love to follow their celebrity crushes, a prime example was the waist trainer. The second celebrities started to post images of them ‘ training ‘ in these tight corsets the market for them boomed! Every girl wanted one, different colors, more sizes ( smaller sizes )  but did anyone sit down and ask for more information about them? I ordered one myself and you’d be surprised to hear that it didn’t come with a set if instructions or to my surprise information of risks and even benefits for that matter. It was like simply receiving a new item of clothing from a local store. It is important that no one should be forced to look a certain way in order to love their own body.

What can I do?

  • Start to love your body
  • Buy clothing that complements the body we have
  • Pamper and appreciate yourself
  • Drink plenty of water, everyday!
  • Take care of your skin and body
  • Exercise
  • Complement yourself now and again.


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