
Five reasons why smoking tobacco cigarettes is not good for you

Smoking has been one of the most common form of recreational drug use, and tobacco has been the most common type of smoking, profiting tobacco companies with billions of dollars. In historical times, it was a cash cow and very lucrative product responsible for the rise and fall of empires, kingdoms and nations and was a major reason why the South Atlantic slave trade industry prospered so much and for so long.

Smoking is the inhalation of smoke when a substance is burnt. The substance burnt is usually tobacco encapsulated in cigarettes, pipes and cigars and is a widespread, global phenomenon that has been practiced for millennia in various ways and forms.

But smoking is not all ‘bloom and shine'; tobacco is a very addictive substance because of the chemical substance nicotine it contains, leaving many who get into it, trapped for a long time and has been linked to numerous health conditions and illnesses, (many of which are deadly and fatal). Tobacco smoke is made up of more than seven thousand chemicals and over two hundred and fifty of them have been proven to be harmful to man and because of this and many others, calls and campaigns have been done to ban smoking.


1. Smoking causes diseases and illnesses of the lungs

Smokers are usually characterised by coughs, colds, and wheezing all of which are illnesses that can be caused by tar and nicotine in tobacco cigarettes. Diseases that affect the respiratory system, especially the lungs are called Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases or COPDs, some of which are; asthma, pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer. All of these can be fatal.

84 percent of all deaths from lung cancer is caused by smoking and 83 percent of all deaths from COPDs is caused by smoking.

Bronchitis is another disease that affects the lungs and happens when bacteria and viruses attack the large vessels (Bronchi) through which air that we breathe in passes into the lungs, causing mucus to form and run out constantly through the nose. The immune system that should have prevented these pathogens from attacking the bronchi is suppressed by nicotine in cigarettes.

2. Smoking causes impotence in men and Infertility in women

Smoking affects both males and female and can cause atherosclerosis which hardens the arteries that supply blood to reproductive organs, which can cause impotency in both males and females.

Another condition called vasospasm can arise in males from the hardening of blood vessels that supply blood to the reproductive organs. This condition causes the reproductive organs to not grow and develop properly as they should due to the lack of adequate blood supply to these organs.

Testicular cancer is also another threat male smokers have to deal with.

All these conditions can lead to impotency in men or a reduced sperm count.

In women, smoking reduces fertility, lengthening the amount of time it takes to conceive, and may also cause abnormal or absence of menstruation cycles and menopause also setting in early.

The common HPV infection (a disease that attacks the skin) in female smokers, is less likely to be dealt by their immune system and this infection can lead to cancer.

Cancer of the cervix is also likely to develop, blocking the woman from conceiving and giving birth.

Pregnant women who smoke will more likely end up with a miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth or an illness in the baby.

Also a perfectly healthy baby suddenly dying (cot death) is likely to occur with the babies born to women who smoked during pregnancy.

3. Smoking weakens the immune system

When you smoke, particles and other gases enter your lungs and into your bloodstream and because of this, there is very little space and capacity. So less oxygen enters the blood flows to body organs, and hence, body systems perform less including the immune system.

This is one reason why most smokers have coughs, colds or flus because their immune system is weakened, so unable to defend them.

Multiple studies in Israel during the influenza virus outbreaks in the military found that a greater percentage of smokers had it than non-smokers.

4. Smoking can cause stress

Several studies have proven that smokers are under greater stress than non-smokers or former smokers.

They suggest that when smokers exceed their average or usual timeframe for a cigarette, they suffer withdrawal symptoms which makes them stressed.

5. Smoking can reduce attention spans

Numerous studies have shown that smokers are less attentive than non-smokers or former smokers. This may be because smokers suffer from mental and psychological stress more than non-smokers or former smokers  do.

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