Category Archives: Eating

5 Healthy Food Plans behind the Best Supermodel Bodies

First, let’s state the obvious: The lithe, lean build of a top model is a matter of hereditary luck, the result of a genetic supernova. An [...]

The 3 R’s of Exercise

Of course, you would spontaneously wonder what these are or if they even exist. Well yes, they do and they will change your training horizon [...]
Eating ...

3 Must Take Post-workout Snacks

As important as consistency with your routine for strength training, cardio and stretching are, so is that for nutrition. In fact, they are [...]

5 Foods That Every Athlete Should Eat to Lose Weight

Most athletes are involved in sports that require a certain weight that needs to be maintained and worked for when surpassed. A typical exam [...]

7 Foods You’re Eating Wrong

There are many factors that impact the quantity and quality of nutrients that you will derive from food. Things such as cooking and ripening [...]

6 Major Ways of Reducing Your Chances of getting Heart Disease

When it comes to our heart health, some people are quite unfortunate to have had it passed down to them by genetics in the family line. Howe [...]

The Anti-Cancer Benefits of Boiled Carrots

Cooking carrots whole before chopping them up boosts their anti-cancer properties by 25 percent, researchers say. Leaving the vegetable inta [...]

Basic Health Benefits Of Cucumber

Cucumber is a cylindrical, green-skinned fruit with watery flesh, usually eaten raw in salads or pickled. Cucumber also is the climbing plan [...]

5 Worst Foods for Your Hips

For most women, the first sign of weight gain is gradually widening hips. It is therefore unfortunate that widening hips are hardly noticed [...]

4 Different Ways to Eat Avocado

An avocado is a pear-shaped tropical fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed. It is also kno [...]
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