
4 Reasons to Rethink Your Love For Fizzy Drinks

Admit it, you are one of the millions of people who can’t go for long without popping open a can of coke, sprite or any other fizzy drink. It has basically become a staple drink choice for most. And you can’t deny that you haven’t heard several times the damage it can do to your health but have ignored it. They say, its high concentration of sugar is toxic for you, and that it can easily get one obese. Yes, we have all heard this but we’re not really sure if we believe it. So now, let’s dig a little and find out for ourselves if it’s all true or false.

Here are 4 different reasons to stay away from fizzy drinks.

1. Affects Your Dental Health

dental health

Soft drinks are known for being one of the most stand-out sources of tooth decay, it has been studied that they can cause dental erosion and tooth decay because of their extremely high concentration of sugar, the acidic by products in them softens tooth enamel,which is a leading contribution to cavities formation. Tooth erosion occurs when a chemical reaction that involves the damage of hard tissues in the surface of the teeth, which are mostly present in carbonated drinks. It can lead to high level of teeth sensitivity if not treated sooner. Most fizzy drinks can carry with them up to 21 cubes of sugar in a single can. Keep in mind that each time you consume sugary liquids, you teeth is exposed to acids as long as an hour after drinking and then the bacteria in our plaque reacts and causes acids that are harmful.A solution to this is, you can opt for sugar-free drinks. But beware, although they do not cause teeth decay, they can however, were your teeth out by weakening the hard tissues.

2. Expands Your Waistline

expand waist

You’re going to want to read this one (especially the ladies). Carbonated drinks are basically equipped to expand your waistline. These drinks contain carbon dioxide which when consumed creates gas in your stomach setting your stomach size to ever so increase. Also, having a lot of sugar in your diet is known to store fat in your body which naturally means weight gain.

3. Type 2 Diabetes


Research have shown solid prove that the consumption of fizzy drinks is a leading contribution to the development of diabetes, especially type 2. A different study found that regular drinkers of sugar-sweetened beverages were more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes affects more than 300 million people around the globe and is characterized by high blood sugar levels in the form of resisting insulin or insulin deficiency.

4. Bad for Your Skin

bad skin

It’s not enough that fizzy drinks have zero calories, it also contains absolutely no important nutrients, vitamins or minerals, and not an ounce of fiber. Basically, it sizes up to no importance to your diet except excessive amounts of added sugar and unnecessary calories. Think of it this way, that can of coke you might have just washed down is causing serious damage on the collagen and elastin in your face in a process scientists call glycation, inviting the never-ending flow of wrinkles, crow’s feet and disheveled skin. It also gives gravity a helping hand by making your skin saggy. A scientific test laid down that people with consistently high blood sugar levels visually appear considerably older than their less saccharine-stuffed counterparts.


The most important lesson here is, fizzy drinks are basically made up of high and really high levels of sugar. And because of this, you are exposed to defects and illnesses you shouldn’t have to worry about. You can cut down on soft drinks but not really stop consuming them all together. Another thing that can help, is add foods with antioxidants, like green tea to help wash all that toxic waste your body really doesn’t need.

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