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Six weight loss fruits

Six weight loss fruits

Could fruits really be our ally in helping us loss weight? To majority of people that would sound l...

4 hrs ago
3 Unusual Foam Roller Exercises For Neck Massage

3 Unusual Foam Roller Exercises For Neck Massage

You are probably one of those who sit at the desk all day, and end up getting stressed such that the...

2 hrs ago
Health & Safety : How to Properly Ride a Wave?

Health & Safety : How to Properly Ride a Wave?

It’s that time of the year where the sun is out and everyone want’s to be as close to a ...

1 hrs ago
Female Personal Trainer in Dubai

Female Personal Trainer in Dubai

Female personal trainer in Dubai Female personal trainer in Dubai is a growing need for both men and...

5 hrs ago
4 Things That Causes Weight Gain Asides Unhealthy Foods

4 Things That Causes Weight Gain Asides Unhealthy Foods

Weight gain is a growing concern for both men and women and, this is most likely due to the increase...

5 hrs ago
4 Ways Poor Breathing Habits Affect Your Health And Fitness

4 Ways Poor Breathing Habits Affect Your Health And Fitness

The vast majority of people, use their mouths for breathing without quite realizing that this proces...

5 hrs ago
4 “Unhealthy” Foods That You Should Absolutely Not Avoid

4 “Unhealthy” Foods That You Should Absolutely Not Avoid

The internet is literally swarming with accusations of unhealthiness against certain foods, and unfo...

5 hrs ago
6 Reasons to Breathe Through Your Nose

6 Reasons to Breathe Through Your Nose

Breathing through the mouth is the norm for most people and you might never have given this a second...

5 hrs ago
The Top 5 Protein Bars For Health And Fitness

The Top 5 Protein Bars For Health And Fitness

Protein bars have been known through the years to aid in weight loss. Probably because they keep you...

5 hrs ago


Ammar Ul Hassan

Ammar Ul Hassan

Swimming Trainer Dubai

Ahmed Hameed

Ahmed Hameed

Swimming Trainer Dubai

Sheikh Harshan

Sheikh Harshan

Swimming Trainer Dubai



Yoga Instructor Dubai



Personal Trainer Dubai



Personal and Swimming Trainer Dubai


Perfect Solution for Fitness/Gym is changing the way you find and work with trainers. We believe the right training can only be inline if the trainer is results driven. We have all sort of both male and female trainers in Dubai who will work with your schedule to produce results. Our highly qualified trainers provide free lessons to make sure you only commit if you are satisfied with the trainer and the way training was provided. Our trainers can work with you in the gym or come to your house. Want a relaxing massage, get over injury or simply want a healthier body - we have massage specialists, physio experts and some of the best personal trainers in UAE to help you achieve your best.

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