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7 Simple Ways to Prevent Injuries From Running

7 Simple Ways to Prevent Injuries From Running

The last thing anyone wants when they start running, is to pick up a minor or major injury that coul...

3 hrs ago
Almonds Can Ward of Hunger

Almonds Can Ward of Hunger

Many of us struggle to maintain a balanced diet. We long to lose weight and stay trim – but can’...

1 hrs ago
Most Common Weight-loss Mistakes You Need To Watch Out For

Most Common Weight-loss Mistakes You Need To Watch Out For

When starting a weight-loss program, it’s the norm to get bombarded by all these myths and misconc...

5 hrs ago
Three things you can do to prevent cramps

Three things you can do to prevent cramps

Pray that cramps do not happen in the morning while you are preparing for work, because then you wil...

3 hrs ago
4 Natural Remedies For Dealing With Sunburn

4 Natural Remedies For Dealing With Sunburn

Sunburn is a condition in which the skin or part of it, is discolored because of too much exposure t...

2 hrs ago


Mango is a fleshy yellowish-red tropical fruit that is eaten ripe or used green for pickles or chutn...

4 hrs ago
Getting Fit: the Easy Way vs. the Hard Way

Getting Fit: the Easy Way vs. the Hard Way

There’s usually an easy way and a hard way to do nearly everything in life and fitness is no excep...

5 hrs ago
5 foods that help to prevent ischemic heart disease.

5 foods that help to prevent ischemic heart disease.

Generally, for you to be able to survive or prevent any heart threating disease or illness is to alw...

1 hrs ago
Causes Of Snoring And How To Stop it

Causes Of Snoring And How To Stop it

One will ask what is ‘snoring’ even? Snoring is the name or term given to the deep sound one mak...

1 hrs ago


Ammar Ul Hassan

Ammar Ul Hassan

Swimming Trainer Dubai

Ahmed Hameed

Ahmed Hameed

Swimming Trainer Dubai

Sheikh Harshan

Sheikh Harshan

Swimming Trainer Dubai



Yoga Instructor Dubai



Personal Trainer Dubai



Personal and Swimming Trainer Dubai


Perfect Solution for Fitness/Gym is changing the way you find and work with trainers. We believe the right training can only be inline if the trainer is results driven. We have all sort of both male and female trainers in Dubai who will work with your schedule to produce results. Our highly qualified trainers provide free lessons to make sure you only commit if you are satisfied with the trainer and the way training was provided. Our trainers can work with you in the gym or come to your house. Want a relaxing massage, get over injury or simply want a healthier body - we have massage specialists, physio experts and some of the best personal trainers in UAE to help you achieve your best.

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