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Moves You Can Do Every Day for Better Joint Mobility

Moves You Can Do Every Day for Better Joint Mobility

Joints, along with bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilage, form the musculoskeletal system...

1 hrs ago


Cardiovascular exercise, also known as aerobics exercise or “cardio” in gym terms is any exercis...

4 hrs ago
Four things Teenagers can do to get fit for sport

Four things Teenagers can do to get fit for sport

One factor that may be partially responsible for the rising obesity rates of young people all over t...

3 hrs ago
Detox and Lose Weight With Fennel and Apple Juice

Detox and Lose Weight With Fennel and Apple Juice

In this quick and easy to follow,  Detox and Lose Weight With Fennel and Apple Juice in Dubai, we w...

1 hrs ago
6 Benefits of Split Training

6 Benefits of Split Training

At, we believe a lot in the benefits of doing full body training but we also think you sh...

2 hrs ago
5 Benefits of Doing Sit ups

5 Benefits of Doing Sit ups

Sit ups are a universal exercise that have still retained their popularity. Rest assured that this i...

1 hrs ago
Exercises That Target Stubborn Cellulite

Exercises That Target Stubborn Cellulite

Women of all ages can fall prey to those frustrating cellulite bumps. Though cellulite can pop up a...

3 hrs ago
5 Ways To get Ripped Abs

5 Ways To get Ripped Abs

Having a nice, ripped six-pack is fast becoming a necessity, for both men and women. It is not just ...

3 hrs ago
13 Simple Tricks for Getting a Flat Stomach in no Time

13 Simple Tricks for Getting a Flat Stomach in no Time

Getting a flat stomach in no time, as our headline promises, is an ambitious goal that many will te...

2 hrs ago


Ammar Ul Hassan

Ammar Ul Hassan

Swimming Trainer Dubai

Ahmed Hameed

Ahmed Hameed

Swimming Trainer Dubai

Sheikh Harshan

Sheikh Harshan

Swimming Trainer Dubai



Yoga Instructor Dubai



Personal Trainer Dubai



Personal and Swimming Trainer Dubai


Perfect Solution for Fitness/Gym is changing the way you find and work with trainers. We believe the right training can only be inline if the trainer is results driven. We have all sort of both male and female trainers in Dubai who will work with your schedule to produce results. Our highly qualified trainers provide free lessons to make sure you only commit if you are satisfied with the trainer and the way training was provided. Our trainers can work with you in the gym or come to your house. Want a relaxing massage, get over injury or simply want a healthier body - we have massage specialists, physio experts and some of the best personal trainers in UAE to help you achieve your best.

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