personal trainer

Personal Trainer Salary In Dubai

What can a Personal Trainer make in Dubai? How Much Do They Make in the UAE?

There is good news and bad news. First with the good news, working as a personal trainer in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Ajman or any other part of the UAE can be very lucrative for those who know what they are doing, who work hard but most importantly work smart with the right people. Everyone who is interested in a career as a personal trainer in Dubai wants to know how much he or she can make. People who want to know; are those who have already made the leap to come to Dubai for the first time and also those, who are thinking of moving here. We have decided to develop a detailed guide for what personal trainers in Dubai can expect to earn and what local factors and career decisions will most affect their income in the start and as they go along.


Personal Trainer salary in Dubai

Personal Trainer salary in Dubai

If you want to know how much a personal trainer can make


How to get a personal trainer visa in Dubai or other parts of UAE


Want more personal training clients – talk to and let us help you grow faster.

Whatsapp number: +971 56 58 30067 (please Whatsapp code: PV888 and we will get back to you fast )

Contact us: Click here to send us your details we will get back to you asap (please mention PV888).

What is the average personal trainer salary in Dubai?

One of the most asked questions is about the salary, “how much can a personal trainer make in Dubai”? It doesn’t really have a simple answer because there are many factors involved in how clients are charged, which is why it’s difficult to give a general answer. To answer this, we will dig deeper and tackle it from the earning potential of different types of trainers and hopefully, you will get the answer.

Most personal trainers in Dubai will work in one of the following Four categories:

1) Freelancer in a health club (freelancing without a valid visa is illegal)
2) Employed by a club (visa provided by the club)
3) Self-employed independent (working on your own without a valid visa is against the law in UAE)
4) Trains people at their homes (must have a valid visa to work as a personal trainer)

1) Freelancer in a health club

There are thousands of gyms in the UAE, a freelancer in a health club is someone who works for him or herself but uses the leisure center/gym to train people. Most gyms in the country won’t allow a freelance trainer to train their own personal clients unless the trainer has some sort of arrangement with the fitness establishment. This arrangement normally involves paying a fixed rent per month or percentage of turnover per month or both.

This allows the trainer to use the gym to train people in Dubai, with a win-win situation for both the trainer and the gym. Trainer secures clients inside or from the outside of the gym and brings them to the club to train. The bad news is, in almost all cases unless the trainer has a valid visa to train people, this activity is taking place illegally. You could be fined or for repeat offenses be deported from the country.

(Talk to by Reaching out to us today and we may be able to help you get a valid visa to train people in UAE)

There are all kinds of gyms in UAE, some are state of the art facilities while others are your local neighborhood clubs – The money trainers can earn is directly correlated with the gym itself. If the gym’s target market is super rich and has the members who can afford to pay for those super expensive memberships, chances are high; a client from that club will be charged good money per session. Trainers lucky enough to be freelancing in top clubs in Dubai or other parts of UAE with great reputations can earn around 200,000 to 500,000 AED per year. The bad news is that the rent or commission you will pay in good clubs in the country can be as high as 60% of what you make.

The overall earnings also depend not only on how hard and how many hours you work but how good are your marketing skills. More clients you can attract, generally more money you will make. We have seen some of the top trainers take the entire process as a proper business; they actually have full-time marketing and administration help. While they focus on training, their marketing department works to sign more clients. Although the entire process has been figured out and a good amount of money is being made, some of these trainers are still doing it illegally. The worst part is, one morning they can get up and find themselves in trouble with the authorities.

Most newly qualified personal trainers in Dubai start their careers training people they know and then working as a freelancer with one of the clubs. Sadly, a lot of them throw in the towel on their fitness careers because they did not have a proper plan, their goals were set by unrealistic expectations of earnings based on what they see others doing. When the first year reality hits, they get discouraged because money was not what they had expected but what they refuse to understand is this, without a plan of action to get clients, even the second or the third year won’t be much different.

Must read: How to get more personal training clients in Dubai

The best way to overcome the first year hiccups is to have a plan and work on streamlining the plan. Expect to make 80,000 to 120,000 AED with focus on getting the marketing side streamlined. You will still have to pay in some cases the rent or commission as high as 60% to the gym but that’s the cost of doing business. The first year for most trainers will not be rosy, of course, there are exceptions if you have existing connections in the industry or some other advantage or you have passed the trainer. ae exam.

(working with the trainer. ae, you receive unmatched marketing and operational support so you can focus on what you love rather than what you may not like doing)

As time goes by and you work smart rather than just hard, better opportunities are bound to appear. The reasons are simple:

  1. if you are doing a great job with the existing clients, the referral business should increase
  2. you will get better at enticing clients,
  3. you will learn more skills on how to get new clients
  4. you will have more experience and improve as a trainer
  5. you will be able to move up to more affluent fitness clubs.

You also have to understand as a freelance trainer you are working in direct competition with other Personal trainers in the same club. Before you become a freelance trainer in a gym; it is wise to figure out how many trainers are working in a particular gym compared to the size of membership. If the ratio of trainers is high, you might want to reconsider working there. Also, some gyms allow a commission sharing arrangements and once you have attained a certain level, some may change their minds. Some places in Dubai, mainly those who charge a fixed rent per month, unfortunately, open their doors to as many trainers as possible. The reason is simple, more trainers who pay a fixed rent more money the gym can make. They don’t realize by doing that they are making it really difficult for the trainers to get enough clients to earn a decent income. If you as a trainer don’t make enough money, chances are high; you won’t be sticking with training people for long.

The simple rule of thumb to follow when it comes to a trainer to member ratio is max three trainers per 500 members in the gym unless the club targets higher-end clients, in which case the trainer to member ratio could be much higher.

What’s next?

If you want to know how much a personal trainer can make


how to get a personal trainer visa in Dubai or other parts of UAE


want more personal training clients – talk to and let us help you grow faster.


Whatsapp number: +971 56 58 30067 (when sending whatsapp message pls mention code PV888)

Contact us : Fill in the form below and we will get back to you asap.

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______________________________________________________________ is UAE’s largest resources for finding personal training clients. If you are a personal fitness specialist and want to increase your client based, we can help you: Get more clients, Help you get a visa in the UAE, Help you with the marketing and operations. Most importantly we help you make more money. Click to Reach out to us today.


Next topic covered will be 2) How much can a personal trainer make if he/she is employed by a club in Dubai.

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  • Samira
    16th June 2015 - 3:16 pm | Permalink

    I am looking for a Yoga instructor job in Dubai. I am a British Indian who has been doing Yoga since i was four year old. I have been teaching yoga classes in UK for the past three years. What kind of money can i make in Dubai?

  • olivier
    16th June 2015 - 3:23 pm | Permalink

    How much money can a personal trainer from UK make in Dubai?

  • Jennifer West
    16th June 2015 - 3:34 pm | Permalink

    I love Dubai and would like to move there. I have been a personal trainer for a good few years and know how to pick up clients. I had a friend who was a personal trainer in Dubai but he moved back to the US for family reasons. He has promised me introductions to his past clients. What i need to know is:
    What kind of money should i expect to make if i can attract 30 private clients?
    what I be able to train people in Dubai legally?
    If i go through you guys, how long would the visa be for?
    I know how to pick up my own clients but would love to get help with back-office support and logistics?
    What is demand like for personal trainers, I’m member of American Council on Exercise (ACE)
    and National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)?
    Would you help me determine my costs of living?
    I am 25 year old, what area of Dubai is best fit for me?

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