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5 Ways to get A Ripped Abdomen

5 Ways to get A Ripped Abdomen

Having a nice six ripped six-pack is fast becoming a necessity, for both men and women. It is not ju...

4 hrs ago
5 Foods Every Pregnant Woman Must Include In Her Diet

5 Foods Every Pregnant Woman Must Include In Her Diet

The food you eat when you’re pregnant has a direct effect on the growth and development of your ba...

1 hrs ago
4 Ways To Deal With Food Cravings

4 Ways To Deal With Food Cravings

Cravings can be seen as powerful desires. Craving food mostly involves high calorie or fatty foods a...

2 hrs ago
6 foods that boosts the immune system

6 foods that boosts the immune system

. In our every- day lives, we encounter things that have the ability to weaken our immune system, it...

1 hrs ago
Tracking The Number of Calories you Eat

Tracking The Number of Calories you Eat

Studies show that many people underestimate the amount of food they eat at each meal and end up eati...

4 hrs ago
Are You Constantly Stuck Indoors? Complete these No-Excuses Workouts

Are You Constantly Stuck Indoors? Complete these No-Excuses Workouts

If you find yourself held hostage in your home by inclement weather, kids that need constant supervi...

2 hrs ago
6 Exercises to Boost Your Running Speed

6 Exercises to Boost Your Running Speed

Would you like to be able to burst through the wind and run a sub ten second 100-meter race? You pro...

3 hrs ago
Detox Soup and Smoothie Recipes in Dubai

Detox Soup and Smoothie Recipes in Dubai

In this detailed info on Detox Soup and Smoothie Recipes in Dubai, we will cover, Breakfast and Dinn...

2 hrs ago

Seven things a woman can do in other to keep stress from harming her marital life

Stress has a way of weakening and sabotaging every aspect of someone’s health and happiness. More ...

3 hrs ago


Ammar Ul Hassan

Ammar Ul Hassan

Swimming Trainer Dubai

Ahmed Hameed

Ahmed Hameed

Swimming Trainer Dubai

Sheikh Harshan

Sheikh Harshan

Swimming Trainer Dubai



Yoga Instructor Dubai



Personal Trainer Dubai



Personal and Swimming Trainer Dubai


Perfect Solution for Fitness/Gym is changing the way you find and work with trainers. We believe the right training can only be inline if the trainer is results driven. We have all sort of both male and female trainers in Dubai who will work with your schedule to produce results. Our highly qualified trainers provide free lessons to make sure you only commit if you are satisfied with the trainer and the way training was provided. Our trainers can work with you in the gym or come to your house. Want a relaxing massage, get over injury or simply want a healthier body - we have massage specialists, physio experts and some of the best personal trainers in UAE to help you achieve your best.

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